Miniblog 313: Mega-Dimensional printing

Now, let’s think BIG: What if we could 3D/4D or 5D print Artificial stars, Artificial planets, giant robots or even humanoid giants? I wonder how big these 3D/ 4D or 5D printers would have to be in order to accomplish these tasks. The miniblog on Charlie Chaplin’s son telling the truth would be miniblog 312,Continue reading “Miniblog 313: Mega-Dimensional printing”

Miniblog 310: “Future 3D Printing Amazon Companies and Flying Umbrellas?

Thanks to him, I wonder if big online companies like SamSung, Apple, WayFair, Best Buy, eBay, Amazon,Ali Baba etc to venture into 3D Printing like PCBWay. They should have a 3D Printing Service in their site where they allow their customers customise or create any item they desired, which the company itself would 3D printContinue reading “Miniblog 310: “Future 3D Printing Amazon Companies and Flying Umbrellas?”

Miniblog 308:Is ‘Black People Can’t be Racist’ a Myth or Fact

Do you agree with: A. Racism is prejudice plus power. (But I preferred to called this one “institutional racism/ plantation hierarchy mindset”). B. Racism is believing one’s race is better/superior than the other race. 2. Do you agree with A. We all are one human race and that race is a social construct. B. WeContinue reading “Miniblog 308:Is ‘Black People Can’t be Racist’ a Myth or Fact”

Miniblog 307: A Fantasy on Solving the Food Crisis and Water Crisis

In order to solve the Food Crisis (hunger crisis or water shortsge), we need ingenuous ideas in these 3 areas(Disclaimer: this was an old post that I was supposed to upload a long time ago and it’s just a fantasy or nonsense that I created) : 1.Food production and water production 2.Food storage and waterContinue reading “Miniblog 307: A Fantasy on Solving the Food Crisis and Water Crisis”

Miniblog 304: Would a Flying tricycle beat the traffic? Imagine if we have flying scooters, flying motorcycles, flying quadricycles, flying bicycles or flying tricycles, that would be so fun. Especially when I watched that animated Disney movie,you’ll see a child riding a bicycle all the way to the moon. That would be so beautiful, just riding your flying tricycle when it’s a fullContinue reading “Miniblog 304: Would a Flying tricycle beat the traffic?”

Miniblog 303: Voice Typing Mode for WordPress

Blogging is really hard work.In addition to blogging, imagine writing literary genres or texts such as short stories to make income meet and yet juggle that with school. Almost every blogger is a low-key a hustler and at the same time enthusiastic for writing like me. It would be nice for blogging platforms such asContinue reading “Miniblog 303: Voice Typing Mode for WordPress”

An Insight on Quantum Architecture from Dr.Who

Imagine a 4D world trapped in 3D world, I would be just be flabbergasted like all of Dr.Who’s travelling companions. How could my simpleton mind comprehend a really simple Police phone booth which turned out that on the inside is a big travelling space-time ship? Could you imagine something small as a pea can holdContinue reading “An Insight on Quantum Architecture from Dr.Who”

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